The set of tools NMONWEB are composed of three main components:
- Save Data in MySQL DB
- Show the information in Web frontend
It is not necessary that all components are on the same server and can be each of these on a different platform or server.
The second component (Save data in MySQL DB) is a set of Perl applications that feed on several data files: NMON files or files with the content of output of a command lslparutil from HMC o IVM. Store this data in a MySQL DB.
The three component (Web Frontend) show the data store in MySQL DB for a one day o a set of days, for a particular machine, showing this information in statistical graphs.
This graphs can be printed individually or exported files in PNG, JPEG, PDF o SVG formats, that you can embed in a reports. Also you can zoom in on a portion of this graphics or select the value that you can show.
If this period is less than six days, all samples from that period that exists in the DB are displayed. Otherwise, show the average and maximum data grouped by this period each day is displayed.