Load NMON files
For save new data in NMONDB Database you need planning download NMON files from a list host and import this in the data directory configure in nmon2db.pl, and execute this.
You can load multiple files NMON the same machine but on different days without carrying any order.
The nmon2db.pl program can use for load files in other directory that you configure previous:
/opt/ibm/nmon2db/bin # ./nmon2db.pl /nas/nmon/today
By default, this program not load from NMON files data for DISK, VG or JFS data, because slow execution. If you can load this data, uncomment the next lines:
# Process the hdisk Values
#if ((&process_multi_line_values("DISK")) gt 0 ) { next; }
#if ((&process_multi_line_values("VG")) gt 0 ) { next; }
#if ((&process_multi_line_values("JFS")) gt 0 ) { next; }
IMPORTANT: When data is loaded a new machine, the new machine is not associated with any environment, but must update the DB directly. Neither has an associated description
Load HMC/IVM Data
For save new data in HMCDB Database you need planning call in the HMC/IVM command lslparutil, saving your output to file. You can use any this adiccional tools:
- getInfoAllStatInHMC <HMC/IVM name or I > <user> <directory for output files>. Recover all of the sampling events that were collected for all manageds systems in this HMC or IVM.
- getInfoStatLastMonth <HMC/IVM name or I > <user> <directory for output files>. Recover the 30 most recent days sampling events that were collected for all manageds systems in this HMC or IVM.
- getInfoStatHMC <HMC/IVM name or I > <user> <directory for output files>. Recover the 8 most recent days sampling events that were collected for all manageds systems in this HMC or IVM.
De igual manera, para cargar datos en la BBDD desde ficheros de las HMCs planifique su recuperación y volcado en el directorio que haya configurado en el programa hmc2db.pl y ejecute este programa Perl.
You can load multiple files for then managed system but on different days without carrying any order.
The hmc2db.pl program can use for load files in other directory that you configure previous:
/opt/ibm/hmc2db/bin # ./hmc2db.pl /nas/hmc/today
IMPORTANTE: When data is loaded for a new managed system is not insert a description for this system, but must update the DB directly.