NMON data files
Unpack the file nmon2db.tgz and edit the file bin/nmon2db.pl for configure this application.
Change the first lines where modify the first lines where the location of the data directory and log is configured, and the connection parameters with DB:
# Location of nmon files (need read/write access)
my $DIR_BASE="/opt/nmon2db";
my $NMON_DIR="$DIR_BASE/data"; # location of the nmon files
my $LOG_DIR="$DIR_BASE/log"; # location of the log
my $LOG_FILE="$LOG_DIR/nmon2db.log"; # Filename logs process
# Database connection
my $DBURL="DBI:mysql:NMONDB";
my $DBUSER="nmon_adm";
my $DBPASS="nmon_adm00";
# If enabled this, the process time for each file will be increment for 200%
my $enabled_all_data = 0;# Disabled
#my $enabled_all_data = 0;# Enabled
You can use this component yet. Put in the NMON_DIR the NMON files and execute the program nmon2db.pl. Review the log for check if there are any problem.
If you can use the files bin/alert_aix.pl and bin/nmon2db_update.pl change the lines that nmon2db.pl. Only the file bin/alert_aix.pl need put the mail to send the alerts.
Unpack the file hmc2db.tgz and edit the file bin/hmc2db.pl for configure this application.
Change the first lines where modify the first lines where the location of the data directory and log is configured, and the connection parameters with DB:
# Location of HMC files (need read/write access)
my $DIR_BASE="/opt/ibm/hmc2db";
my $DAT_DIR="$DIR_BASE/data"; # location of the HMC files
my $LOG_DIR="/opt/ibm/nmon2db/log"; # location logs files
my $LOG_FILE="$LOG_DIR/NMON.log"; # location process log
# Database connection
my $DBURL="DBI:mysql:database=HMCDB;host=localhost;port=3306";
my $DBUSER="hmc_adm";
my $DBPASS="hmc_adm00";
Recover data collection from HMC or IVM with lslparutil and save the output in a file with name format:
You can use the script bin/getInfoStatHMC for get this information and save this in a file.
Execute the program hmc2db.pl and review the log for check i there are any problem.