I have just released the new version of NMONWEB (v2.5) with the following changes:
- Fix Bugs
- New module for configuration in Web Frontend
- New module for VM’s groups with new graphics for compare your CPU, Memory and Pages consumption.
- Compatibility with NMON Linux, included VM machines in Power8 with KVM
- Add new data to NMONDB Database and graphics for Disk data
Please, before install this version review my comments in “Thanks to” about changes in lincense of JQuery library Highcharts JS.
Also, I was created one new section in “Documentation” for explain the process for update.
IMPORTANT: I need nmon files for testing, because I have a limits to access to this files.
You can mask the data of Machines and VM in this files. I’ll check and eliminate any information of machines or hostnames from this files. You can send me this files to support@nmonweb.com.